feed generators
main id for bluesky's timeline "manifests": did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur
- https://pdsls.dev/at/did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator
- https://pdsls.dev/at/did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator/whats-hot
- references
, which contains the pointer to the service endpoint to be called to when building feeds:
$ curl https://discover.bsky.app/.well-known/did.json
- other things under the did are the main bluesky account lol
- https://pdsls.dev/at/did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.actor.profile/self
- that makes sense. you can provide your own timelines under a different did!
not critical to the network, but here's skyfeed:
- https://pdsls.dev/at/did:plc:tenurhgjptubkk5zf5qhi3og/app.bsky.feed.generator
- bunch of feeds
- the feeds then point to
- which then points to https://skyfeed.me which provides the BskyFeedGenerator