Musings of a new Social VR platform
#virtualization #decentralization #federation
read A critique of VRChat before reading this, basically take what vrchat currently is and here's my dreamed-up thoughts on the issues. those solutions would change the platform in ways that are disruptive to the core, so:
- creation tools
- the act of creation should be able to be done in-vr
- not all of it tho. theres a giant amount of existing tools and workflows and i dont think disrupting all of that is useful
- at least drafting
- how to transition from "drafting ideas with friends" towards "developing with friends"? dont know
- modeling and coding included. neosvr' visual lang does the latter
- UGC (user generated content) opens up way too many avenues for a single startup to take care of and then get consequently fucked as people will find new ways to break copyright
- a social vr platform should leave UGC to the hands of instance owners, the "platform" provides the protocols, software to run them, and let others run it completely independently
- the "nginx and firefox" of social vr
- Firefox VR / Wolvic is not that. its a browser that runs in vr and can run webxr, that does not include the social aspect at all. is it cool? yes! is it useful after the first hour? no.
- how should content be distributed? thats the question of the whole internet. torrent/ipfs/http/etc.
- ties with DMCA. let people deal with it in their own instances. content should receive some sort of mechanistic tags about it
- monetization
- secondary platforms are the way to go, just like the internet already runs
- has anyone... actually traded Brave's Attention Token for real fiat? and proudly uses that as their primary thing?
- also see:
- if a FOSS thing comes out. that MUST be able to be run on a SINGLE SMALL SERVER. most of Social VR is:
- realtime chat negotiation between users, How NAT traversal works by tailscale shows the challenges
- unanswered question: Authoritative game servers, what happens when world instances die?
- presence management for friends/etc
- client is way heavier, code/feature wise
- realtime chat negotiation between users, How NAT traversal works by tailscale shows the challenges